Resource Binder
MEDiC Southside Clinic
About this resource: MEDiC is the organization of student-run free clinics from the University of Wisconsin. The clinic is by appointment only. Southside now provides urgent-care scheduled medical appointments, over the phone and in person, on Saturday mornings. Some phone only appointments are available on Tuesday evenings as well. Every appointment needs to be scheduled in advance at this time, but we are happy to find a time that works best for your schedule.
Who can use this resource: Anyone (serves mostly patients without insurance). Care at Southside is available for uninsured or underinsured adults at no cost to the patient, regardless of documentation status or language spoken.
Next Steps:
To learn more and make an appointment, please call 608-265-4972 ext. 2 and leave a message in English or Spanish with your name, a best number to reach you, if there is any best time or day to call, and what we can help you with. We will call you back within one week.
Visit the Southside MEDiC Clinic at the following address on Saturday 8AM-2PM
1102 S. Park St., 2nd floor
Madison, WI 53713
Specialty Care Free Clinic
Phone: (608) 827-2308
About this resource: Specialty Care Free Clinic (formerly BSP Free Clinic) provides no-cost specialty care to uninsured, low-income patients.
Who can use this resource? Uninsured individuals. You must be uninsured. You cannot have Medicare (B,C,D) or Medicaid/Badgercare. This also includes: Workers Compensation, Medical Assistance, VA Benefits.
Next Steps:
Patient must have a referral from a primary care provider.
1409 Emil Street
Madison, WI 53713
Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM, Closed Monday and Friday
Access Community Health Centers
Phone: (608) 443-5480 (Patient Resource Specialist)
About this resource: Access Clinics have a slide fee discount program. This will not be free, but the discount will be based on the income that of the household.
Who can use this resource? Anyone
Next Steps:
Contact the Patient Resource Specialist at (608) 443-5480 if you have further questions
Call the phone number for one of the following Access Community Health Centers (listed below) to schedule an appointment.
Locations / Contact: Hours:
Dodgeville Dental Clinic Monday-Friday 8am - 4pm
103 E. Fountain Street
Dodgeville, WI 53533
(608) 935-5550
William T. Evjue Clinic Medical Clinic Hours Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
3434 East Washington Avenue Dental Clinic Hours Monday - Friday 7am - 4pm
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 443-5480 (Medical)
(608) 443-5482 (Dental)
Southside Clinic Medical Clinic Hours Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
Joyce & Marshall Erdman Clinic Dental Clinic Hours Monday - Friday 7am - 4pm
2202 South Park Street
Madison, WI 53713
(608) 443-5480 (Medical)
(608) 443-5482 (Dental)
Wingra Family Medical Center Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
1102 South Park Street
Madison, WI 53715
(608) 263-3111
Sun Prairie Dental Clinic Monday - Friday 7am - 4pm
1270 W. Main Street
Sun Prairie, WI 53590
(608) 825-7100
Planned Parenthood
Phone: (844) 493-1052
About this resource: Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care, and the nation’s largest provider of sex education. With or without insurance, you can also come to Planned Parenthood for your health care. Interpreters are also provided if needed. Services include:
Abortion Referrals
Birth Control
HIV Services
Men’s Health Care
Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
Pregnancy Testing & Services
STD Testing, Treatment, & Vaccines
Women’s Health Care
**Without insurance or Medicaid – patents may qualify for a state funded program or a lower fee scale. Payment Plans are also available for many of the services.
Who can use this resource? Anyone
Next Steps:
Call (844) 493-1052 to book an appointment or schedule an appointment online.
Other Health Care Options
Phone: (608) 244-1213 (Madison East)
(608) 829-1888 (Madison West)
About this resource: Concentra offers occupational medicine and urgent care services, as well as physical therapy and wellness. Concentra offers the following services:
Workers Comp Injury Treatment
Injury Treatment
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Health Services
Drug Screening
Immigration Physicals
Urgent Care
Biometric Testing
Who can use this resource? Anyone
Next Steps:
Call and schedule an appointment or walk-in at Concentra today.
Make sure you bring a photo ID, proof of insurance, medical history information, list of current prescriptions.
Payment in full is due at the time of your visit.
Madison East
4260 East Towne Boulevard
Madison, WI 53704-3704
Medical Center: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Physical Therapy: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Madison West
358 Junction Rd.
Madison, 53717
Medical Center: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Physical Therapy: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Tuesday, Thursday: 8am-12pm
Public Health Madison & Dane County Guide
If sending to a patient, please add annotations/directions/highlighting as document is overwhelming
PHMDC Community Resource Guide (2022)
PHMDC Guía de recursos comunitarios (2022)
More frequently used PHMDC resources listed below
TB Tests // Public Health Madison & Dane County
Phone: (608) 266-4821
For Spanish: (608) 243-0380
About this resource: Public Health of Madison and Dane County provides free TB tests for at-risk people. They DO NOT do TB testing for work, school, or volunteering. You may be at-risk for TB if you were born in a country where TB disease is more common, or you have been in contact with active TB disease.
Who can use this resource? Anyone at risk for TB
Next Steps:
Call (608) 266-4821 to get a test.
You will need to answer a few questions to determine if you qualify for testing.
2230 S. Park St.
Madison, WI 53713
Immunization Clinics // Public Health Madison & Dane County
Phone: (608) 266-4821
About this resource: Public Health Madison and Dane County provides free immunizations for adults (19 and older) who do not have insurance for immunizations and qualify by risk, age, or income. They do not give travel vaccines. You must schedule an appointment. They do provide interpreter if needed.
Next Steps:
Call (608) 266-4821 to see if you qualify.
South Clinic
2230 S. Park St.
Madison WI 53713
Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm
East Washington Office
2705 East Washington Ave.
Madison, WI 53704
Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening // Public Health Madison and Dane County
Phone: (608) 242-6392
About this program: Public Health Madison and Dane County Wisconsin Well Woman Program and provides free screening and treatment for breast and cervical cancer for women ages 45-64 with limited income and little to no health insurance.
Who can use this resource? Individuals with no insurance, or insurance with a high deductible, and an income that is at or below 250% of Federal Poverty Guidelines:
Household size of 1=$33,975
Household size of 2=$45,775
Household size of 3=$57,575
Household size of 4=$69,375
Household size of 5=$81,175
Add $11,800 for each additional member
Next Steps:
Call (608) 242-6392 if you live in Dane County or Rock County to apply.
For counties outside of Dane or Rock County, call 1-800-722-2295.
2705 E. Washington Ave. 2nd floor
Madison, WI 53704
Monday-Friday 8AM-4:30PM
Needle Exchange and Hepatitis C // Public Health Madison and Dane County
Phone: (608) 243-0411 (confidential)
About this resource: Public Health and Madison Dane County Needle Exchange services include:
New needles and other supplies to help reduce the spread of certain infections.
Confidential needle exchange, no names used
Safe disposal of used needles
Safer use equipment
Risk reduction information
Sharps disposal boxes
Fentanyl test strip kits
Injectable naloxone
Nasal Narcan®
Safe smoking supplies
Referrals to resources
Who can use this resource? Anyone
Next Steps:
Call (608) 243-0411 to learn more and find a needle exchange location near you.
2705 E. Washington Ave.
Madison, WI 53704
Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm
2230 S. Park St.
Madison, WI 53713
Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm
Sexual Health // Public Health Madison and Dane County
Phone: (608) 243-0411 (confidential)
About this resource: The Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinic offers confidential care for sexually transmitted infections, contraception, and reproductive care as well as a variety of services, including:
Sexual health testing
Trichomoniasis (“Trich”), yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, including treatment
Herpes swab testing if you have symptoms like a genital or rectal sore
Hepatitis B & C (based on risk)
Treatment of genital warts
Emergency contraception
A safe and effective pill to prevent pregnancy up to 5 days after unprotected sex.
Birth control methods
Birth control pills
Depo shot
Twirla birth control patch
Referrals for other birth control methods
Free sexual health supplies
Insertable condoms
Water-based and silicone-based sex lube
Dental Dams
Free Condoms
Who can use this resource? Anyone of all ages, gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientation.
Next Steps:
Call (608) 243-0411 to get more information and to schedule an appointment.
Sexual Health Clinic
2705 E. Washington Ave. 2nd Floor
Madison, WI 53704
Free Condoms // Public Health Madison and Dane County
About this resource: Public Health Madison and Dane County offers free condoms at the front desk of all their offices.
Phone: (608) 243-0411
2705 E. Washington Ave. 2nd Floor
Madison, WI 53704
2300 S. Park St. Suite 2010
Madison, WI 53713